Manjot Bhatia, Tabla

Manjot plays Tabla, a percussion instrument from northern India, which consists of two kettle drums. In the interview Manjot tells more about himself, his music and his thoughts about the ONE WORLD. A number of short audio examples of how Manjot Bhatia plays his instrument are available at the right. You can also download these and use them as samples for composing a song for the song contest. If you have used a sample from the website for your song then you must state this when submitting your entry.

Important: You may only use the samples exclusively for songs with which you participate in the Song Contest "Dein Song für EINE WELT!" (Your song for ONE WORLD). If your song meets the entry criteria, it will be published on our website, on Soundcloud and also on YouTube if you submit a video. If you wish to continue using your song containing these samples, it is important that you always cite the name of the artist who provided the sample used. If for example you use the sample “Tabla 70bpm A” by Manjot Bhatia, please write “Using the sample “Tabla 70bpm A” by Manjot Bhatia”.

Can you tell us something about your musical career?
I have always listened to a lot of music, but started making my own music very late. I was inspired by a London Jazz Festival concert where I saw Zakir Hussain performing live, I just had the urge to start playing the tabla, which I’d owned for a while. I then started learning the instrument with a teacher.

What do you think about/how are you involved with the topics of “sustainable development” and “one world”?
I believe in the ONE WORLD. I believe our society should be global and run in a sustainable manner without major borders. That’s something I also pursue in a meta context in my own company – we want to make sustainable economics possible. I see culture as a significant connection in tying together this ONE WORLD.

Do you feel that music can change the world? If yes, how?
Definitely. I think music is a language that unites us all, that everyone speaks. And not one you have to learn. It’s just so firmly rooted in our nature and able to touch and stir us in so many ways that it can even have healing properties. I therefore believe it’s this combination of healing and uniting potential that can really change the world. A sort of return to one’s senses.

Videoporträt: Manjot Bhatia

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Tabla 70bpm A
Tabla 70bpm B
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